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If you use WordPress to build things for other people, we want to make your life easier. No matter whether you freelance on a solo basis, lead a small web shop, make plugins in a dark closet, or crack the whip at a large design firm, our aim is to become your go-to source of information and resources to help you expand your WordPress skills and know-how. To make you better at what you do. To make it easier to make your living and look great doing it.
You’re part of a tribe of WordPress designers and developers over 10,000 strong, spanning the entire globe. aims to bring the working knowledge and real world strategies of those people into one place, for you tap into.
Bluehost has been providing quality web hosting solutions to businesses and individuals since 1996. Their goal is to provide outstanding services for the best possible price. To achieve these goals they’re constantly innovating and upgrading their services at no additional cost to their customers. Join the millions of other website owners that have already chosen Bluehost and see how they can help you with your site.
Foliovision is a full service web agency, providing strategy, conceptual work, design and programming from a focused team of thirty in Bratislava. Our tagline “Making the web work for you” is what we live by. Our clients are from all over the world. What unites them is their delight at being able to simplify their lives and businesses by unifying all their online marketing and development needs met by a single team. Many of our commercial clients enjoy top rankings in Google. Other clients include world leaders in fitness, cooking or even progressive politics.
The building block behind all our sites is WordPress, in which we built our second and every subsequent CMSdriven site since 2004. Our first CTO John Godley now works at Automattic. John laid in a strong structure for the plugin development we do until this day, with high rated plugins in comment management, video, SEO and anti-spam all under the FV brand. All our plugins have same day support. We continue to deepen our plugin library while developing a pro line.
We are blessed to have always had more work than we can physically do and are always looking for new programmers, designers, CSS coders and content experts to join our team. We like to work with other self-starting, active people who enjoy sharing information and intelligent conversation. Many of our team enjoy regular professional engagements as musicians, dancers, writers or photographers in addition to their work in Foliovision.
WebSupport je najväčším slovenským registrátorom domén a líder v oblasti hostingových služieb. Spoločnosť má viac ako 10 ročné skúsenosti na slovenskom trhu a naďalej rozširuje svoje pôsobenie na českom, rakúskom a maďarskom trhu. Aktívne sa zapája do diania v IT komunite, konzultuje a podporuje startupy. Vo Websupporte aktívne podporujú tunajšiu WordPress scénu a navyše svojim užívateľom poskytujú možnosť inštalácie WordPressu len jedným kliknutím.
Monča je humanoidná forma života pôsobiaca na planéte zem od roku 1982 n. l. Svoju obsedantnú potrebu tvoriť v roku 2007 premenila na spôsob obživy. Venuje sa grafickému dizajnu v oblasti reklamy a marketingu. Hoci sa jej zatiaľ nepodarilo vytvoriť nič, s čím by sa mohla bohapusto vychvaľovať, spolupracovala na tvorbe reklamnej kampane „Tvoj vodný anjel“ pre pramenitú vodu Lucka. Bloguje na WordPress.
WP All Import is an extremely powerful plugin that makes it easy to import any XML or CSV file to WordPress.
WP All Import has a four step import process and an intuitive drag & drop interface that makes complicated import tasks simple and fast.
WP All Import can import to Custom Post Types, Custom Fields, load images to the Media Gallery/Post Featured Image, and perform recurring/scheduled imports.
There are no special requirements that the elements in your file must be laid out in a certain way. WP All Import really can import any XML or CSV file.
WP All Import can be used for everything from building a store with an affiliate datafeed to displaying live stock quotes or sports scores to building a real estate portal.
Organizátori je digitálna agentúra, ktorá sa zameriava hlavne na web dizajn, tvorbu webových stránok, tvorbu webových aplikácií a eshopov, tvorbu firemnej identity a internetovému marketingu. Výhodou spoločnosti je, že pristupuje ku každému projektu v menších tímoch, využíva najmodernejšie technológie a agilné techniky. Každá neštandardná požiadavka je pre vibration výzva.
Webikon sú experti na WordPress a webové technológie majú v malíčku. Vaše požiadavky na nový web sú pre nich sväté a keď ich zmiešajú so svojimi poznatkami z tvorby webových stránok, výsledkom je špičková web stránka. Žijú webom ráno, keď sa budia, i večer, keď si líhajú spať.
Používajú na to jeden z najlepších redakčných systémov na svete – WordPress. Vie sa preobliecť do očarujúcich grafických tém a dizajnov. Jeho ovládanie vyniká jednoduchosťou, pričom však zároveň ponúka širokú škálu funkcií. Pre váš web použijú len tie, ktoré naozaj potrebujete. Kedykoľvek vám podľa potreby spustia ďalšie a ďalšie…
Webikon are an experts on WordPress and they handle web technologies with ease. For them, your specific requirements for your new website are sacred, and when they combine them with their knowledge in creating websites, the result is top class website. They live with your website in the morning when we wake up, and at night when they go to sleep.
They use one of the best content management systems in the world – WordPress. It can be dressed into astonishing graphic themes and designs. It’s easy to command, but at the same time it offers wide range of functions. For your website, they’ll use just the ones you really need. At any time they can run more and more of them…
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